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Ian Mosey Group Modern Slavery Statement
The Ian Mosey Group, which comprises Ian Mosey Ltd, Ian Mosey (Livestock) Ltd and Ian Mosey (Feed) Ltd is committed to eliminating acts of modern slavery and human trafficking, both within the business and supply chains within which it operates. The Ian Mosey Group recognises the definition of modern slavery to be someone who is:
• Forced to work – through coercion, or mental or physical threat.
• Owned or controlled through mental or physical abuse or the threat of abuse.
• Dehumanised, treated as a commodity or bought and sold as ‘property’
• Physically constrained or have restrictions placed on their freedom of movement. Forms of modern slavery include forced labour, bonded labour, human trafficking, descent-based slavery and child slavery.
Organisational Structure and Supply Chains
The Ian Mosey Group comprises of 3 Company’s, employing 184 employees, as detailed below:
Ian Mosey Ltd is a UK registered Company which operates as the holding Company to Ian Mosey (Livestock) Ltd and Ian Mosey (Feed) Ltd. Ian Mosey Ltd employs 3 employees, who provide supporting financial, human resource and transport roles to the Ian Mosey Group as a whole.
Ian Mosey (Livestock) Ltd is a UK registered Company which sources pigs at varying stages in the growth cycle, in addition to producing and rearing pigs within a high welfare outdoor setting, to achieve a high standard of accreditation and compliance. Ian Mosey (Livestock) Ltd has 66 employees, who work across a range of functions, including Sales, Purchasing, Administration, Compliance, Finance, Livestock management and Transport. The supply chain of Ian Mosey (Livestock) Ltd is UK based, which reduces exposure through operating within the UK legislation and compliance environment. The Company has long standing and trusted relationships with reputable suppliers and where new suppliers are engaged, Ian Mosey (Livestock) Ltd seek those with high quality livestock, goods and services. All pigs throughout the growth cycle are reared on farms that are subject to strict independent auditing processes during the year, which include reviewing ethical criteria.
Ian Mosey (Feed) Ltd is a UK registered Company which manufactures high quality, high performance animal feeds for a wide range of species, with quality at the forefront of the business’s core values. Ian Mosey (Feed) Ltd has 115 employees, who work across a range of functions, including Production, Transport, Sales, Finance, Technical, Purchasing and Administration. All
suppliers to Ian Mosey (Feed) Ltd are required to comply with our supplier approval process. Accredited sources of raw materials, which supply the required product information and certification, provide the only route to supplier approval. The supply of raw materials is predominantly UK based with the exception of specific materials which must be sourced outside of the UK, due to market availability. In the event that suppliers are based outside of the UK, Ian Mosey (Feed) Ltd use reasonable endeavours to engage with these stakeholders, to establish that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within the extended supply chain. Food safety is central to how our business operates. We have a feed safety assurance system in place, to ensure that our purchased feed ingredients are compliant with all relevant feed safety standards and legislation.
Company Policies
We are committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or any part of our business. We believe our commitment to this is evidenced through the development of our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking policy, which clearly outlines the procedures to be followed in the event that modern slavery or human trafficking is suspected within our organisation or supply chains. This is reinforced by our Whistleblowing policy and Anti-Bribery Policy, all of which have been issued to all employees across the business and are easily accessible, in addition to an independent whistleblowing charity, which is open to all our employees as a further source to report any concerns, as outlined in the Ian Mosey Group Employee Handbook. All of our company policies offer support and protection to all employees who raise genuine concerns, in good faith.
Assessing and Managing Risk
As part of our efforts to identify and mitigate risk, we work hard to ensure our recruitment processes are fair, inclusive and transparent. Only competent and qualified employees control the process of recruitment within the Company. All those engaged by Ian Mosey Group are required to evidence their entitlement to work in the UK in accordance with sections 15 to 25 of the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 (the 2006 Act), section 24B of the Immigration Act 1971, and Schedule 6 of the Immigration Act 2016, before any employment commences. All employees are issued with a contract of employment on their first day of employment and are paid at or above the National Minimum Wage requirements. The use of agency workers within our business is minimal, however, where additional temporary labour is required, we only work with reputable recruitment agencies who comply/adhere to the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Training for Staff
The Company is committed to ensuring all relevant management have a suitable level of understanding of the risks in labour exploitation throughout the supply chain. This is developed through continuing policy communication, and the utilisation of relevant training materials provided by organisations such as Stronger Together, which are being cascaded across the group to raise awareness of the signs of potential exploitation. In working to bring our policies to life, through training and visual aids, our aim is to have employees who feel empowered to raise concerns and influence business decisions so as to address areas of risk accordingly. All new employees joining the business will, as part of their induction process, be made aware of the risks our business faces from modern slavery in its supply chains, and will be issued with a copy of the Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking policy, Whistleblowing policy and Anti-Bribery policy which they must read, understand and comply with.
The Ian Mosey Group will document a register of any matters which are identified in relation to modern slavery, along with details of how each situation was addressed. This register will provide a means of evaluating the effectiveness of the Group policy, to identify where ongoing improvements can be made. This statement has been reviewed and approved by Ian Mosey Group HR Manager and will continue to be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
Dated: January 2025
Review Date: January 2026
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